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Mamas in Music Workshop Series:
How to share your stories beyond your music
to attract your ideal audience and grow your community!

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Join Us on March 20th at 7PM GMT / 3PM EST / 12PM PST

How to share your stories beyond your music to attract your ideal audience and grow your community:

This coming week we are excited to host a masterclass featuring music journalist, marketing strategist, and publicist Laura Ferreiro about how to find your artist identity. Laura is the former West Coast Editor of renowned music magazine NME and a contributor to the Los Angeles Times, Variety, Nylon, Yahoo, & Rolling Stone. She has also worked with renowned artists, brands & nonprofits including Red Bull, Gretsch Guitars, Olios Health, Synovation Medical Group, WaterAid and Easterseals. 

Key Takeaways Will Be: 

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1.     How to put yourself out there consistently and share stories beyond your music in a way that feels authentic.

2.     Knowing which stories to share to connect with your ideal audience and attract media attention.

3.     How to be open and vulnerable without oversharing. 

4.     How to not feel discouraged when you don’t get the response you hoped for right away and how to persevere.

5.     Tips for letting go of perfectionism, self-criticism and imposter syndrome so you can put yourself out there consistently in a way that feels good to you.

6.  Q&A where people can ask questions and get feedback.

Questions You Can Answer to Prepare for the Workshop

1. Are there any areas where you struggle when it comes to defining your artist identity or your “brand”?

2. Do you struggle when it comes to sharing your stories with your audience or the media beyond your music?
Can you explain why it's a struggle?

3. Do you find that your public persona as an artist doesn’t align with your values? Please explain.

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